Competitive and Market Research
Research is essential to understanding the needs, wants and behaviour of web site visitors and customers.
A successful web business must attract the interest of prospective customers, then acquire and retain them. Revenue growth is driven by new customers and repeat purchases from existing customers.
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Knowing your customers, your visitors and your markets is the key to a successful web business strategy and to fine tuning your web site for improved results. The way to obtain this knowledge is through research.
For a web business, this may not be as expensive as it appears as, for example, a wealth of information about site visitor behaviour is buried in your server logs and there are a number of reasonably priced software packages which provide comprehensive analyses.
In addition, information about customers and prospective customers can be easily and inexpensively obtained using your own databases and readily available online research. This can be supplemented with qualitative research, such as focus groups, if required.
Our team of consultants combine their expertise in analyzing web traffic data with an extensive knowledge of research and web business success factors.
The Internet Marketing Engine will provide clear direction to improve your online business by helping you to:
- obtain the most cost effective research that suits your budget
- interpret the results of your research
- determine the key sales drivers for your site
- use research to fine tune your site for increased visitor and customer satisfaction
- use research to fine tune your site for improved sales performance
- improve your marketing plan and achieve better web site ROI
- better measure the results of sales campaigns
- determine key characteristics of top customers
- compare the performance of your site against your competitors
- compare advertising campaigns to determine which was more effective.
Contact the Internet Marketing Engine now and learn how we can help you achieve better results.